I first heard this song on Pandora. And I fell in love with it. At the end of last year, Chamber sang it. And I fell in love with it again. And, now, I get the opportunity to sing it will the seniors in choir for the Broadway Review that Mesa High is doing. It has made me fall in love with it again. It's my senior year. And it's coming to a close. And what do I have to show for it? Grades? Yeah, that helps with college, but, really, so what? A super tense and knotted back from the loads of stress that I haven't learned how to manage yet? No...no, that's not exactly something I imagine thinking back on that with fondness.
So, what will go down in memory? What makes this all worth remembering? What will I look back on and say, "Yes. That made high school worth it. That made everything, all the drama, and the stress, and all that crap, that made it worth it."
I know. It's the friendships that I have made. The people I have grown close to. The love I have experienced. I was thinking earlier today. My life has been...difficult, I guess would be a good word to use, lately. Just little things piling up. Stress building. And I've never been one to handle my stress well. And then, just when I thought I was at the breaking point, and that there was no way it could get worse...it did. Like a bomb.
But, I didn't break. And I know that this is because of my friends. I was able to go to them, and they were able to help me feel better. The stress is still there - let me tell you, my back feels it! - but there's just a relief. A lift, almost, to know that my friends are there. To make me smile and laugh when I truly just feel like bawling like a baby. It's amazing and awe-inspiring to think of the way the Lord works. To think of how He has placed certain people in my life at this time. To think of the people that I have been able to grow closer to, and the people that have been a strength and support to me. I know I talk about friends a lot. But it's really something that has been on my mind a lot. Because, as much as I'm looking forward to graduating, I'm so bummed at the people I'm going to be leaving.
If I'm only remembered for one thing by those that I'm leaving behind when I go to Flagstaff, I want it to be a legacy of love. "How do you measure the life of a woman or a man?" "Measure in love." I want my friends to know just how much they mean to me, and how much they have helped me. I'm so excited for graduation. Like, I'm ready for it to be tomorrow. But, when that day comes, I know it's going to be SO hard. But...in my heart, I'll be singing this:
"It's time now, to sing out
Though the story never ends.
Let's celebrate
Remember a year in the life of friends.
Remember the love."
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