Sunday, November 6, 2011

I made a new friend...named snow

So, yesterday morning, I wake up and my roommate says something about there being snow outside. I shoot up out of bed, look out the window, and do a nice little there's-snow-on-the-ground happy dance. You see, I've lived in Mesa all my life. My family never did a whole lot of traveling. Especially during the winter. The traveling we did do was during the summer. So...this was my first experience with snow on the ground. Seeing things like this:

Pretty much insanity. I saw it in real life. Not in a movie, not in a picture, but I was actually outside in it. It really is a beautiful thing, snow. Once you get past the coldness of it. You may think I'm crazy but for someone who has never seen it or been in it truly has great beauty. I marvel at the things the Lord creates.

So, anyways, after I had my nice freak out and happy dance, I texted my friends Katie Alston and Hannah Russell to play in the snow with me. I threw my first snowball, I made my first snow angel, I attempted to make my first snowman (both attempts failed rather miserably. Oh well, there's going to be more snow soon!) and  I just had fun running around in it.

Ah, yes. My first picture in the snow. Good thing Katie always has her camera. Otherwise this exciting event would have gone undocumented! 

Sometimes it's fun to throw snowballs at people's windows. Not that I would know. And not that that's what we were doing when this was taken. Nope, not at all!

See! me and snow are best friends now!

Haha, I did have fun yesterday. Although it was quite cold. My feet aren't used to being frozen solid. And rain boots, although they are quite effective at keeping your feet dry, even in the snow, don't do much for keeping your feel warm. Oh well. I'm hoping I won't get sick of it too quickly. Maybe I won't get sick of it at all, despite what everybody keeps telling me. Who knows. I guess we'll just have to see!

1 comment:

Miya said...

about the rainboots...SERIOUSLY!! CANT WE COMBINE RAINBOOTS WITH FURRY OR FLANEL OR WOOLY INSIDES?! All three combined would be heaven, but I would be satisfied with just one!! The world would be a better place!

So glad you are lovin' the snow! As long as you dont have to drive in it!