Sunday, February 27, 2011

Seeing the face of God

So, yesterday I was cleaning my room and I found some papers from my psych class. I was about to throw them away, because I didn't need them anymore, when I found this quote that I wrote on one of the papers. I don't remember where it came from or why I wrote it down, but I liked it. A lot. This was it:

"To love another person is to see the face of God."

I want to high-five the person who said that, because it's just...perfect. I love quotes like this. Little nuggets of truth with lots of power behind it. I know I've talked about my friends a lot, a lot recently. But, that's because I've never actually...needed my friends before. If that makes sense? I don't know what other word to use. I'm pretty much a self-sufficient person. But, experiences that I've had recently have required me to rely on their support. It's a slightly humbling experience. And I feel like I explained that horribly, but that's ok. You can think I'm nuts. But, anyway, my friends. All my friends, I see Christ in their eyes. That's why I'm drawn to them, why I know I CAN rely on them. And that brings me to the quote.

In order to love others, you have to see something in them - you have to see God in them. That's why I love my friends so much, because they have that special light in them. But the truth is, God is in each of us. And...that brings us to something else.

One of my biggest pet peeves is when I hear girls - actually, anyone, but it's usually from girls - say that their fat or ugly. They may be like "Today is my ugly day," and I want to give this whole spiel about how they are never ugly. But I usually just like raise my eyebrow and say something like 'Oh, you never have an ugly day!" Because I know they don't want to be preached at. But, here's the deal. They are not only insulting themselves by saying that.

We have been told that we are made in God's image. Genesis 1:26-27. He created us. And He made us to look like Him. Every time someone says they are ugly, or fat, they are insulting God. Not only insulting His craftsmanship, but also how He looks. I know, it sounds weird, but think about it. He made us to look a certain way. Every time I hear someone degrade themselves in some way, I just want to be like "What are you talking about! You have so much beauty!" I guess sometimes it takes special eyes to see that beauty. We all get so caught up in perfect make-up, perfect hair, perfect clothes, perfect everything, that we lose sight of the natural beauty all around and within ourselves. And, it's not like I go around going "La, la, la, I'm so pretty! Look at me!" Yeah, no, that's not what I'm saying. I struggle with self-image just the same as any other girl. It's just that this knowledge makes it easier for me to get over that and to see the beauty inside myself. And the beauty in others.

So. "To love another person is to see the face of God." (by the way. I've discovered where this is from. Les Miserables. In case you wanted to know.) Strive to see God's face in the faces of those around you - to see Christ in others' eyes. It makes loving them so much easier. And, looking for the face of God in your face makes loving yourself so much easier.

P.S. sorry that my last couple of posts have been sorta didactic (baha, Mr. Garcia would be proud of me for using that word.) but that's just what's been going on in my brain. That and stress, and I'm sure reading about my stress would be more boring than this. The end.

Friday, February 25, 2011

An eye opening experience

In psychology, we had this mask personality project. The mask represents our personality - probably not that hard to figure out. Mrs. Mickle wanted us to put things on the mask that represents who we are. Not just our traits, because sarcasm and happiness does that equal who a person is. There just...sort of outcomes of who a person is. There's events, and joys, and talents, and goals, things like that that make us who we are. So, we created masks of ourselves. I was very proud of mine. I don't hide a whole lot of myself. What I hide are either things that I'm having a hard time with - I don't like letting people know when I'm not doing good. I like people to think I'm happy - or the thoughts that I have about myself. Hey, I'm a girl. As much as I pretend I don't, I still have insecurities. Not a whole lot, but you'd be hard pressed to find a teenage girl with zero doubts about herself.

Anyways, we presented our masks in class. It's taken all week. And let me tell you, this has been the most depressing week in psychology ever. Let's just say people's lives are not so very happy. I can't get into details because of confidentiality, but I'll just say that I have nothing to complain about in my life. Sure, I have insecurities. Sure, my family is slightly dysfunctional sometimes. Sure I've had some trials and sadness in my life. But I have no reason to ever wallow, or feel sadness for any length of time. I have it good! I have a great family, despite the problems. We never are cruel to each other. Yes, we tease, but when someone gets hurt, apologies are immediate. I have support in whatever I do. I'm surrounded by a (mostly) happy and loving atmosphere.

Some - most - people's lives are just sucky. Honestly. I've lived a very sheltered life, I've realized. I've never really seen real violence. Real cruelty. Real hate. Real evil. It's not a bad thing. But, because of this, I've never realized the reality of it all. It's not just something you see on TV shows. It really truly happens in many people's lives. I've come to really appreciate my situation in life. True, it's not perfect. But I have every reason in the world to be happy.

I've come to realize the importance of where I am today, if that makes sense. The Lord has placed me here for a reason. He placed me in this family, at this time. He placed me in the midst of wonderful people I'm lucky to call my friends. He placed me in the middle of a loving ward family. He placed me in a home full of love and music. He placed me where I can express myself, and not be repressed in that expression. I may be ignored sometimes, but, hey, that's the life of the youngest. I'm not too bitter about it...usually. :) I'm so lucky! No, not lucky. I'm blessed. I don't understand why the Lord would give me all this, while so many others live lives of misery. They struggle to find things to be happy about. Me, I turn my head, and look! There's something, someone, who will put a smile on my face. I don't know why I'm here, I truly don't. Sometimes I feel like others deserve it more. That others would probably be able to do whatever I'm sent to do better than me. Because I see people better than me all around. They're the people I call my friends. But, the Lord knows best. And because of all He has blessed me with, I will fulfil whatever purpose He sent me here to do. I'm here on a mission, and it will be completed. I would be ungrateful to attempt anything less.

Never again will I underestimate the greatness of my life. Here's an invitation. Reflect on your life. Think about all the negative things. Now, think about someone you know who has it worse. I promise you, you know someone who has it worse. Then, think about all the positive things in your life. Then think about that person who has it worse. Don't you feel so blessed? I guarantee that you will always be able to find many positive things in your life. Find reasons to be happy. Happiness is a choice. Take a step out of your shoes and step into someone else's. You will be amazed at the things you will find out about yourself and that person.

And, I also just want to say a thank you to my friends. You know who you are. Heck, who else reads this but my friends?! Haha, but really. I consider one of my greatest blessings the friends I have around me everyday. No one else has it so lucky. Because my friends are the best!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Some long over-do lovin'

So, this past week was missionary week. Which equaled no blogging for Beth. And there's been something I've just been dying to share my love about. And it all has to do with...*insert drumroll here*...Jazz/Mad! Go figure. No, but really, last weekend was one of the best times I've had in my life. Because 1: I got to hang out with some of the best people ever. 2: Music was the whole reason we were there. And 3: there were definitely some spiritual experiences. So, basically, three of my favorite things ever. Friends, music, and the Gospel.

So, anyway, I just really wanted to show my love for, not exactly Jazz/Mad itself, not exactly the memories that I made there, but the people I spent time with. The people I made those memories with. You see, for the most part, I'm pretty awful at expressing myself, and I honestly don't know if I tell my friends that I love them. I've recently opened myself up a little more with my fellow choir nerds, by sharing certain things with them that I normally wouldn't share. And then, I opened up myself even more with the members of Chamber there at Jazz/Mad. I actually...expressed my feelings. Pretty crazy, huh? And the amazing thing? By doing that, I've only made it possible for me to love those people even more!! I seriously can't even begin to use words to convey how much I care about each and every member of that choir. Those 11 people have come to mean so much to me. I would do anything to help any of them, in any way. They're my peeps.

So, yes. Chamber. They. Are. My. Favorites. And this post ended up being totally different from what I intended. But, I think I like this better. I love Chamber. I love Katie Alston. I love McKenna Thornhill. I love Kassandra McRae. I love Sara Morgan. I love Michelle Moyer. I love Bradley Whiting. I love Taylor Hansen. I love Johnathan Speakman. I love Jaron Ellingson. I love Keir Ashby. I love Nick Anderson. I love them. To the max. Yes, indeed. They are what I love today, and everyday from here on out. Even when I'm 80 years old, I will remember this group of kids, and think fondly of them. Heck, I would love to be hanging with them when I'm 80. I wouldn't be surprised if that ended up happening. But, life goes on. After like age 30, I may never see some of them again. But, they will never leave my heart, and I will love them till I die - and then afterwards too!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Estoy muy feliz!

Today was a very happy day. Why? Well, love is in the air. Didn't we already talk about this? But, really, today was a very happy day. Like, I'm going skip and whistle because I'm so happy day. I don't whistle unless I'm very happy. I'm more of a humming or singing person. But, I whistle when I'm extremely happy. And I'll put an extra hop in my step aka skip when I'm that happy. Because it's fun.

Anyway. I love today. Everything about it. I did have to get up at 7, on a late start...but that's ok. I had to take this NAEP test thingy, but...I almost enjoyed. I know. Weird. But let me explain. :) It was a writing test, and, well, I like to write! Hence the fact that I'm doing a blog. One of the two things I had to write about was "what makes a good leader" and this just made me really happy. At the beginning of the school year, I went to this Leadership convention thing for Choir Council. I could answer that prompt easy peasy. And that's the kind of essay writing I love. Writing about something I know - and actually have strong opinions about. And I have strong opinions about leadership.

Another thing I loved about today was the weather. Yes, it was cold...but not unbearably so. It was great. Then, I walked home from school in this weather, and I was smiling the whole time. I loved that I was eating a fudge-cicle as I was walking home. And I loved how I had a random conversation with a random kid, talking about how great this weather is, as we walked home. He was funny.

I love how Jazz/Mad is coming up, and though all of Chamber are freaking out about it, we're still getting super excited for it. I love how I get to work on Regionals music with Regionals people. Because I love everyone who made it. I love how, though I have a huge amount of music to learn/memorize/perfect within the next few weeks, that I'm not losing my passion and excitement for music. It's only increasing it. And, I just loved, loved, loved, loved, LOVED! today.

Oh, and I love my Young Women president Sis. Ramos. She just stopped by to drop off some music. She makes me happy. :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Love is in the air.

No, not that kind of love. Well, I suppose there is somewhere, just not in the life of Beth. Holly is doing love-themed posts for the month of February and invited people to join her. I prolly won't do it every day, but I'll do it. And probably on Facebook everday. Because sometimes  - actually always - it's good to look at the positive side of things. The things that you loved of the day. So, what I loved about today:

Katie Alston gave me a card today, for no special reason. And it was perfect. You know those time where you just feel down on yourself? You focus on all your flaws and everything you're doing wrong. That's been happening a lot to me recently. I'm not going to lie, it's kinda a new experience. I've always been super confident about myself, I've always felt good about myself. It's definitely different. So, this card was perfect. It made me happy.

Then, in choir, I did a little bit of...sharing. I shared an experience that I don't tell a whole lot of people. It makes me uncomfortable to share it. I'm not usually open about how I feel, unless it's happy feelings. But, I did it to explain why the song "The Awakening" was so important to me, because it's such a special song, and needs to be sung and treated as such. And, I didn't feel uncomfortable about sharing it. I loved that. Everyone made me feel like it was the right thing to share.

I loved that I came home to an empty house. Usually my brother is home. And then I don't get much work done. It's harder to motivate myself when the TV's on. And I already have a hard time motivating myself to do my homework. So, what will I be doing once I finish this blog post? Homework. With no interference. And I guess that's happy...sorta.

So, yes. Love. It's a great thing to feel, no? If you think about the things and people you love, life gets so much happier. And I love happiness!