it's been awhile. It's called college likes to take over my life. But, today is a Sunday, and I try not to do homework/study on Sunday. And, I figure with finals and final projects being due that I'm not done with yet, I can use all the blessings I can get! So I have time to do a blogpost! I won't bore you the details of what my life has been like. Because, really. It's boring. Class. Homework. Work. Sleep. Eat. Wanting to sleep, but going to class. Sleeping instead of going to class. (Only like...twice this semester. Promise, Mom...) But, I do have something to share.
In sacrament meeting today, we sang hymn #293, "Each Life That Touches Ours for Good." I've heard it before, but I think that was the first time that I've actually sung it. Or at least paid attention to the words. It got me thinking about the importance of friends - which is something I think about a lot. Because I have awesome friends, who have gotten me through a lot. So, during the Sacrament, I opened my scriptures to the Topical Guide and looked under friends/friendship. I came across Proverbs 27:17, which intrigued me, so I actually turned to it. It says:
"Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend."
The Spirit spoke to me after pondering this scripture. We are meant to be striving to become like Christ - to live in a way that allows His image to be shown in our countenances (Alma 5:14). According to this scripture, like things sharpen each other - like iron sharpening iron. It says that a man will "sharpen" his friend's countenance. I took this to mean that our friends will help us show Christ's image in our countenance. I believe this with all my heart. I have made many friends whom I can see Christ shining through their faces. As I have grown closer/do grow closer to these friends, I, myself, am changing. I am impressed by their example and try to follow it. Friends are meant to draw us closer to Christ - that's why we are supposed to surround ourselves with good friends, friends who will uplift you and inspire you to be a better person. When you do this, and you follow their example and become closer to Christ and more like Him, you become that friend who brings others closer to Christ.
I have so many friends who do this for me. I'm astounded by their strength, their love, their testimony, their closeness to Christ. I have tried to express my gratitude for my friends. But, I don't think I will ever be able to express enough gratitude for them. I'm SO blessed to have them in my life. I've let some of them know that I see Christ in their eyes, but there are some I haven't told. They have strengthened me, and brought me closer to my Savior. I sincerely hope that I have been able to be that sort of friend to others.
Seeking out good friends is incredibly important. I'm glad that I've gone down the path I have been, so that I've had the opportunity to come in contact with these incredible people.
Numerology And Birth Date
8 months ago
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