Sunday, April 8, 2012

My friend.

Today is Easter Sunday. One of my favorite Sundays. I try to center my life on Christ. I try to live like Him every day. But, I am not perfect. And often times I fail. Quite epically. And get discouraged and frustrated with myself. But, then Easter comes around, and I'm given new energy. Because I'm reminded that what Christ did was to give us more than one chance. It was to give us the opportunity to change. And, unfortunately, change is a very long, difficult, and often painful process. But, with Christ, it may be long, but not as long as it would be without Him; difficult, but it's much easier with His help; painful, but He is the Balm of Gilead that can soothe any pain we feel. Easter time, I feel renewed. Invigorated. And each Easter, I start to remember Christ even more than the year before. And by remembering, it's easier to do - to act more like He would.

This Friday, I took a day-trip (more like half a day-trip) down to Mesa in order to watch the Easter Pageant. Man. I love it. Each time I watch it, I'm filled with the Spirit. I'm filled with a great joy and hope and peace. There a few scenes I want to mention.

One is a scene that I always look forward too. It's pretty much my favorite scene ever. Christ is with the little children. Blessing them, healing them, being with them. And there's this little boy with a crutch. He doesn't walk very well, or very quickly. In fact, it's almost painful to watch. He slowly makes his way to Christ, but there's other children in the way, and it seems that Christ doesn't notice him. But, then Christ looks and him and beckons to him. As the boy makes his way towards Christ in his very slow, painful manner, he drops his crutch halfway through, and then runs into Christ's arms. It's always a very powerful moment for me. And I had a thought Friday as I watched it - I've possibly had the thought before, but I don't remember because I didn't write it down. Sometimes this life is hard, discouraging. Our progress is slow and is almost painful. But, then Christ is there, beckoning to us. As we keep Him in sight, and we focus on Him and try to answer His beckon, we can throw down whatever crutch we may have and sprint into His arms. The pain will be healed.

Another scene is, again, with the little children. Christ is with them. And then they sing a song. In it, they repeat the words, "My Savior, my Redeemer, my Friend." I often mention how Christ is my best friend ever because of what He did for me. But, to hear it from the mouths of children, and it became even more powerful to me. Christ took the time to be with the little children. To play with them, to talk with them, to teach them. I wonder how the apostles and disciples saw Him. Because He spent so much time with them, teaching. But did they see Him in the simplicity that the little children saw Him. I'm sure He talked about more than the Gospel with the adults. I'm sure He did things with them more than just teach. He was their friend. He gave comfort. He made them smile and laugh. Everything our friends do for us.

Christ is our friend. We only have to see Him like it. Think about it. He's given us so much. He gives us comfort. He lifts us up. I think of my close friends. Katie Alston. Bradley. McKenna. Christine. Lanelle. Why do I love them so much and cling to their friendship? They make me laugh. They bring me joy when I'm in the dark. They serve me, they comfort me, they love me. And, I see Christ in them, in their love and their actions. If I see Christ in them, then wouldn't He do many of the things that they do in our friendship that I treasure? In fact, I know He sent me those people to me, to help me. So they could be my friends and act as He would.

It is Easter. A day to remember. To remember how the greatest man who ever walked the earth lived his life. He lived for us. He suffered for us. He died for us. But, now, he lives for us. He is our hope. He has given us a way to repent. A way to change. A way to return back to Him and Heavenly Father.

I cannot wait for the day when I am in His presence again. Hopefully I will be worthy and have lived my life in a way that He will be proud of.

I feel I will greet Him in a similar manner as this man. I will want to do nothing else but to wrap my arms around Him. He, who suffered and died for me. He who understands everything I go through because He went through them Himself. He, who is my Savior. My Redeemer. My friend.

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