Thursday, May 10, 2012

It's the end.

About a year ago, I started preparing for graduation. I started packing up my things (psh. actually, I starting THINKING about packing up my things. I only started packing about two days before I left. Professional procrastinator, right here.)  And, I started reflecting. Reflecting on the past year. I started thinking about the friendships I had made and the impact my friends made on my life. I did a lot of growing up my senior year of high school, and my friends helped me with that. So, as I was thinking about all that, this poem came into being - it was mostly about Chamber.

I’m leaving to catch my future
But where does that leave you?
Is there a place in my future
For you too?
I’m switching homes,
I’m switching schools,
I’m switching cities,
But where does that leave you?
How does one switch a friend?
A memory?
A song?!
You just cannot replace those things –
No switching allowed at all!
I remember the days
When I was most down,
Hard on myself,
Overwhelmed, stressed
No smile on my face,
Angry, depressed.
Those all went away
When you were around.
I have you to thank
For my sanity now!
I have to go catch my future,
But where does that leave you?
With you I smiled, I laughed,
Got many cases of the giggles,
Was silly, sarcastic,
Even cried a bit too.
You have helped me so much
And I hope I’ve helped you.
My future’s catching up to me –
Oh what am I to do?
When my future’s here,
And you are not,
What is one to do?
When I am there,
And you are not –
Where does that leave you?
Without me here
Without you there
And no help in between?
Who knows when
I will see you next?
Oh what am I to do?
My future’s nearly here, you see,
The next step of my life.
And with me gone
And with you not
How different life will be!
Without you there
‘Most everyday
To sing and laugh with me.
Still, life goes on
One surely knows.
But where does that leave you?
No longer in my life –
Or will our friendship carry on?

My future’s here
And you are not –
And yet, it seems you are.
And it’s true!
For you’re forever in my heart.
They say the ones
That you love most
Will never really leave you.
I didn’t truly understand
Until my future
Caught up with me.

I have taken my last final as a freshman in college. It's kinda an awesome feeling. but, at first, it was being over-shadowed by something else. Dread, almost. You see, it has come to my attention that several people are leaving Flagstaff, and not only for the summer. Some of these people I have grown particularly fond of.  Some of these people have been a huge source of strength and joy this first year away from home. But that dread has been replaced with something else. Something almost like...resolve. Looking on what I was experiencing a year ago, it's kind of similar. Except, I'm not the one leaving. It's their future that is causing our paths to separate. I thought I was going to be done with this once I moved up here. I don't do well with change. I get attached to people. Sure, go ahead and change circumstances and situations, and I'll figure it out. But change the people around me, the people who have been my rocks? I turn into a mess. I've remembered that it's not so bad. It will suck not seeing these awesome people constantly, but I will always have a relationship with them. And...yeah. Moving on with life. I'm excited for this summer, and for next semester. Who knows who the Lord will place into my path, next.

Also, I need to learn to, one, take pictures, and two, not run away from cameras. Seriously. I always regret not having pictures when times like these happen. Lame, Beth, lame. 

But this is prolly my favorite one taken this year.....the end.

1 comment:

Katie Spaulding said...

Hey I took your favorite picture! Good times :)