I just finished an essay that took forever to write because of brain farts and the constant distraction of little kids. Some I'm related to, some I'm not. And, let me just say that I'm glad that the most annoying kid is NOT related to me. So, basically, my brain is flowing randomness from my brain, and I felt like typing some of it out.
1. I really, really like the oldies. A 10+ hour car ride, and we listened to nothing but oldies. And I really liked it. But, let me tell you, some of the oldie songs were just as scandalous and modern songs.
2. I hate sleeping in cars. Like a lot. And, if you leave at 10 at night, you need to sleep. Well, if you're me. So, now my knee/leg hurts because I found the most comfortable position to sleep, but after like 10 minutes, it would make my right leg cramp up. Actually, at the moment, both my legs are cramping. I've probably been sitting too long.
3. Naps are the best. I love them. A lot.
4. I left my MP3 player at home. And I'm sad because of it. I'm craving me some Nickel Creek goodness right now. And I can't just pull up Pandora or Youtube because everyone else in the room is sleeping.
5. I really like using laptop. They're spiffy, and I feel like I type super fast. I don't know if that's true, and if it is why that would be. Or if it isn't, why it feels like I type with super speed. But, yeah.
6. So I have this poetry portfolio to do, and I'm supposed to put in 4 originals that I've written myself. Which I guess is the definition of original, huh? On the car ride up here to Utah, I received inspiration for two of them. I'm excited to write them.
7. Speaking of poetry, I'm using my sister's poetry for the two poems that I need for the contemporary poems for the portfolio. Because she's a legit poet. Like, for reals. She's published, and not just in that cheesy district contest book thingy. Basically, her poems are awesome.
8. Gardetto's is seriously one of the greatest snack foods in the history of snack foods. And Jerky. (written while chomping on some Gardetto's
9. Have I ever mentioned how much I love blogging? Because I love it. A lot.
10. It's really awesome that, despite the crappy quality of sleep I've gotten, I am in a really good mood.
11. My mom is using a laptop for the first time in her life at this very moment. I'm so proud of her. :)
12. By the way, I'm here in Utah for my niece's baptism. Tomorrow is her 8th birthday, and she gets to be baptized tomorrow, which is really unusual for two reasons. It's on a Sunday and it's on her birthday. She's just special, I guess.
13. My mom left her camera at her classroom yesterday, so we weren't able to bring it with us. Which make me really sad, because I wanted to show you all some pictures of my adorable little nieces and nephews, and because I wanted a picture for myself of the first time I get to hold little Faith. She's 5 months old and I've only ever seen her in pictures or through Skype. I'll - hopefully! - get to hold her tomorrow.
Uh, I'm tired. and probably should work on my poetry portfolio, so the randomness is over, for now.
Oh! last one! Sara Bareilles' new CD comes out soon. And though I have no clue when I'll actually be able to buy it, I'm so excited for it. She's like my all-time favorite. EVER!
Numerology And Birth Date
8 months ago
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