I feel like I should do a post...but I have no clue what to write. There's either lots of stuff going through my mind or nothing at all. Right now, it's the nothing at all. And if I wait until there's lots, then it will just be difficult to get it out of my head and into actual words. So...this might be random. And just a hodge-podge of stuff.
I got my AP scores! And I got a 5 on my psych test. Which is really the only one that I truly, truly cared about. No psych 101 for me! And it's a slight jump start on my major. And it makes me happy. I also managed to get a 5 on my government test. Which either means I'm super awesome at bs-ing or other people are really bad at bs-ing. I got a 4 on my English test...which IS good. But I was hoping for 5s across the board. Especially how much I worked my butt of in that class and stressed over everything. BUT, since I managed to get a high enough score on my ACT test, I'm in English 205, just like I would be if I got a 5 on the AP test. Tender mercies of the Lord, eh? Interesting to notice how the Lord knows what goes/will go on, and helps things to happen.
I've been reading this book that Sis. Rainwater, a previous young women president gave me for a graduation present. I've been reading it on and off, and today, I finished it. It's incredible, let me tell you. It's called The Promise of Enough -Seven Principles of True Abundance. Every time I started to read it again, it would tell me something I needed to hear - or even, a few times, when I liked something so much and would share it with someone, it was what they needed to hear. It's a book that anyone can benefit in reading. Really, the only difference between who has abundance and who doesn't...is the person. It has nothing to do what the Lord is giving us. Because it's our attitude, our actions, our gratitude, or whatever, that determines how much we actually see that the Lord does for us - when we reach contentment, then we see all that the Lord really has given us. And contentment is pretty much a choice, a state of mind.
Another little book that has been on my mind, is One Bright Shining Hope. I gave it to a friend at the end of school...it has helped me so much. It's a compilation of quotes by Gordon B Hinckley, specifically for women. It has given me a boost to my confidence when I was feeling low, it gave me hope when I needed light. It has helped give me a conviction of my place in this world, as a woman. And...that's part of the reason why I gave it away. It's like that one Muppet's Christmas movie, when they find the Fraggles, and then they give the rock away and sing that song. "If you like it, duh-duh duh, pass it on!" I wanted to share that with someone. Sometimes I find myself missing that little book...but I wouldn't even consider changing the fact that I gave it away. The very fact that I miss it means that I have learned and grown from it. Maybe sometime in the future, I'll buy myself another copy. But for now, I'll be content with what I have learned from it.
The Lamb of God. A production by Rob Gardner. I've been listening to it today. It's been a little while since I've listened to it. I love it SO much. The past few weeks up here in Flagstaff, I've had a reminder of the power of music, and how important it is - and should be- in my life. I don't get to play the piano that often up here. It really affected me at first. And I remember the first time I played while I was up here. Goosebumps like crazy. It. Felt. So. Good. Indescribable. And then I've been playing the guitar a little bit more often than usual (except for this week...) and every time I do it, it puts a smile on my face. And then, listening to this Lamb of God music, I feel the Spirit so strong. I'm reminded of things of Christ. Of how I should be. Music plays an important role in my life. It reaches me in a way that mere words seldom can. I express myself in a way that often times I could never do. If you haven't listened to this music, change that! Please!
One last random thing. I was with a group of people - play Apples to Apples. It was asked who the youngest was, to see who would start. I said it probably was me...I got some funny looks. They asked me my birthday, and then how old I was. I said I was 18. Shocked looks. And then I was told that I looked like I was 21. I don't think I look like I'm my sister's age...maybe we're secretly twins? Everyone swears we look exactly alike...which we don't.
Numerology And Birth Date
8 months ago
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