Saturday, October 22, 2011

Just a little testament

So. Just a tiny little story to share. This paycheck was a little bit smaller than normal. I missed a day of work because of vertigo. (Dang dizzy spells run in the family. Still not completely sure why I've been getting them recently.) So, I was freaking out just a little bit on the inside because rent is due soon/I owe Katie some money that I keep forgetting about. But, then I was doing some financial stuff like balancing my checkbook and such. (It makes me feel like an adult. A little adult because I really have no clue what I'm doing.) And I noticed I had more money in my checking account than I should. About $100 more. Then, I realized that my refund for my housing fee from my enrollment deposit (I get it back since I don't live on campus) went straight into my checking account. Happy day! It was...perfect timing. Really. I'm very grateful. I'm certain this is a blessing come from paying tithing, fast offerings, and from improving on some things that I was slacking on before. Yes, I would have eventually gotten the money. But it came at a wonderful time. A time where I was beginning to stress out. I'm so grateful to the Lord for this blessing - and many other blessings He has sent my way recently. And I'm grateful that I was able to recognize it as a blessing so I could send my thanks to Him. It's just...happiness right now. :)

1 comment:

Stephen and Amy said...

Isn't balancing your checkbook wonderful?? Also, the church is true. haha :) I'm happy for you, I love moments like this!