Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

So. This song has been going through my head all morning. Why? Because it's Valentine's Day. Now, before I've always had a great disliking for Valentine's Day. I mean, really, it's all commercialized. It's a Hallmark holiday. Plus, you know, being single on this day isn't exactly fun. BUT! I decided to change my perspective a bit. It first started with Katie Alston walking up to me at church on Sunday and saying, "Beth, would you be my valentine?" I giggled and said yes. I mean, she's one of my best friends. Duh. But, then I started thinking about it. Why does Valentine's Day have to only be about mushy, sappy, lovey-dovey couple stuff? It should be about the love you have for everyone else too! So, I've been trying to spread the love to my friends. To take the day to let them know what they mean to me, because, after all, I have the best friends a person could ask for. So. This post is just gonna be showing ya'll some of the important people in my life, whom I love most dearly.

Mi hermana, Amy. :) It's so wonderful having her nearby, when I have no other family close by.

Mi familia! I love them lots. And miss them lots. The thing with having such a big family, is that's it's constantly growing, and changing, and developing. The people progress and change. They have happy times that I miss out on, they have trials that I'm too far away to help much with. It's hard being away from them. But, I love them!

My roomies. My family that I'm not related to. They bring great joy into my life. I was super lucky to have landed in such a great apartment with these wonderful ladies!

Yeah. Alto power. Pretty much the best group of altos you will ever find! These girls gave me lots of support and love, especially the last semester of my senior year of high school. They're pretty much the coolest, and I kinda want to sing with them one last time!

My Chamber peeps! I have a deep and abiding love for these people. They pretty much made my senior year. I never loved singing more than when I was singing with them. They brought such joy in my life, and I can't wait for the day when we will be reunited again. I don't know when it will happen...but it will!

Katie Alston. :) Where would I be without her? I don't know. I love her lots!  So grateful for her in my life.

Holly Dixon. (I actually have this picture in my room. Like, the only other picture that's mine, other than a picture of Jesus and the temple.) Ever since I've met her, she's been a source of sunshine in my life. I go to her for happy thoughts when I'm blue. Yeah. she's pretty much awesome. And I love her.

Kristina Wilson, Kaitlyn Crockett, and Holly Dixon. All three of these girls are pretty much fantastic. I. Love. Them.

Danielle Driggs and Lanelle Alldredge. Haha oh you should have seen us at Girls Camp. We were kinda super crazy. I laugh my hardest when I'm with these girls.

Johnathan Speakman. (I'm not gonna lie. Part of the reason I put this picture up here is because you will not often find such an attractive young man with his arm around me. It's kinda a source of pride for me.) Johnathan is one of the greatest young men I know. He is one of my best guy friends. I often sign my letters to him as "Your sister." 

Bradley Whiting. Bahaha, aren't the two of us just absolutely attractive?! Bradley is a stud. He's always so polite and super sweet. He's leaving for his mission soon, and will make one fantastic missionary. Dude. I miss this kid.

Christine Posvistak. You know you're totally jelly of our level of awesomeness. I know you are. No. Really, I know. She's absolutely fantastic and fortune was shining down when she made the decision to come to NAU. Just...no words. She's amazing.

Alright. Now, just because you are not mentioned here doesn't mean I don't love you. Because, let's face it. I love lotsa people. And have very few pictures of myself and others. Mostly because I generally avoid cameras. I know I have a tendency to not express the love I have for others. It's a fault of mine. I just have a hard time expressing how I feel. So, I usually chicken out and do it through writing. Or texts. I know. Lame. But I'm not good at exposing myself in that way. But, I hope that you - yes! YOU! - know that I love you. Because I do. And I know I'm not the only one. Happy Valentine's Day! Don't forget to spread the love!

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