I kinda just really want to do a blog post. Mostly because I want to write. But, I don't know what to do a post on...I'm in Flagstaff...Kinda just chilling out, trying to figure out what to do with myself. I'm gonna familiarize myself a wee bit more with campus and Flagstaff itself and start applying for jobs. But...there's really nothing I feel like talking about...not much has been going on. So, I decided to do a happy post. I've been having a wee bit of trouble being positive this week - change isn't exactly something that makes me perky- so this is prolly a good exercise for me.
Things that make me happy:
1. Brownies. I love brownies. Seriously.
2. My journal. I love just reading some of the old entries, and having the memories come flooding back. Sometimes just looking at the journal does that.
3. Being to close to my sister and brother in law. They make me laugh lots, and I can be totally crazy around them. No inhibitions.
4. Writing. It truly does have a cathartic (is that even a word?) use to it. It helps me think about how I'm feeling, and release some of the emotions that I hold inside of me.
5. My awesome friends. Love. Them. I know I can go to them, and they say what needs to be said to me, and help put a smile on my face when I need it most.
6. My roommates. I'm still a wee bit shy around them. I still haven't been super crazy around them...though my sarcasm has creeped into the conversation occasionally. But, I do love them. I'm so grateful to have landed in this apartment. Super lucky, I am!
7. Sarcasm. It sounds like a strange thing that would make me happy...but it does. don't judge me.
8. Music. It has amazing power. The right music can do amazing things. the wrong music can do amazingly awful things to you. Good music lifts my spirits.
9. The piano. I haven't played the piano since...Sunday? I usually play at least one song a day. I'm gonna have to change this situation, because not playing the piano seriously might cause some damage to my soul.
10. Walking around. The weather here is nice in the summer. There's nice breezes (sometimes super strong gusts) that keep it nice and cool. Except I still get sweaty. that doesn't make me happy.
11. The ability to text. I've been having conversations with my peeps in Mesa, and it makes me so happy! because I'm not totally isolated from them.
12. The temple. It makes me sad to think that I'm not 5 or less minutes away from it anymore. But, the temple itself still makes me happy. the peace and comfort that can be found within and on the grounds. The spirit that is there, the calmness, the love that you can feel from your Father above. It brings a quiet joy to my heart.
13. The ability to have revelation. The knowledge that we can have communication with Heavenly Father, that He can speak to us through the Spirit - or through other people who are guided by the Spirit.
14. The word integrity.
15. The color purple.
16. Psychology. (Yes. I'm a nerd.)
17. The very knowledge that my Heavenly Father loves me.
18. The scriptures - with which I can strengthen my testimony and allow the Spirit to testify to me.
19. Jesus Christ. Just...pure joy, knowing He's got my back.
20. Love. True, Christlike love.
And...that's my list, for now. I'm super tired. I may go to bed...before midnight...for the first time in forever...haha. It's amazing how tired you can get from walking around for about an hour and then...doing nothing. But, I am happy. Which, you know, is always a good thing. :)
Numerology And Birth Date
8 months ago
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