Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I've been on a poetry kick

So, a while back, I was going through some stuff of mine, and  I found this poem. And, I think it's nice. Plus, it's about friendship, and ya'll know how much I lurve mis amigos.

A smile, a laugh,
A knowing look exchanged:
The things friends do,
But not what makes them friends

Singing together,
Random conversations:
The things friends do,
But not what makes them friends.

Secrets shared,
Many hugs given:
The things friends do,
But not what makes them friends.

What makes that bond,
The strongest of all,
Called friendship?

Laughter may bring them together,
But tears are what
Make it last.

They may share similar loves,
But love for each other
Keeps it strong.

There’s compassion for pains,
Trust in hard times,
Understanding in frustrations,
Sometimes a blunt word,
But spoken in love.

They call each other sisters,
But the bond is really stronger.

Good friends love,
Care, listen, and uplift.

They better the life
Of one another,
Never bringing the
Other down.

Miles may separate,
And years may long pass,
But the friendship
Never will die.

With their friendship and love
They change the world
Simply by changing
One another.

And with their friendship and love

They’ve taught others to love

And have drawn others to them;

For who can refuse

The presence of Christ

That shines in their eyes?

His Light shines in those

Who love like those friends.

And with His help,

And with their love,

They make a legacy

That never can die.

It is a wee bit long. I guess I only like long poems or something. haha but yes. I love my friends. And poetry. The end.

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