Sunday, June 5, 2011

Girls Camp!

This week, I had my last girls' camp. At least until I'm old enough and become a cabin mom. Anyways, it was a...different/amazing/best experience ever. Well, maybe not best. But...timely? Needed? I was a part of Junior Staff this year. Which means I had more/less to do. Make sense? haha but, really. We were more involved in programs, and had loads of meetings, but we had down time. I actually took a nap! It was kinda awesome.

Moving on. Something that should be known about the way my stake does girls camp, is that it's always by stake. And I LOVE it this way! Like, seriously. I've never done it by ward before, but I feel like that's totally not necessary. Because the young women in my ward - and from what I can tell, in the other wards - are super united. We all know each other pretty well. And isn't the point of church functions like this to, not only for strengthen us spiritually, but to bring us closer together? I think it is. So, we as a stake are pretty close. (Dude. I LOVE Acacia ward. If I didn't love being a part of Lazona ward, I would find a way to become a part of Acacia. Super awesome people there.)

So. Junior staff. I'm pretty much a super shy person, unless you find a way to get me out of my shell. Usually this happens only when I am around people I know well or when I'm talking about the Gospel, music, or psychology. For the first couple meetings, I kinda kept to myself. I knew about half the girls well, and the other half only sorta. But then, something just clicked. Usually it takes me awhile to get settled in with people. Not so with the junior staffers. I them so much! I mean, look at us:

We're pretty much super different. But, we are all daughters of God. and we all love each other. (that was the point of this night's program. Showing how different we were, yet we are still daughters of God. I'm about to give my spiel here.) I don't even know if I can explain it...but we were just one with each other! The theme was "Becoming One." It was so fitting.

These girls are my favorites. Actually, that's a lie. All of them are my favorites. I just happen to really like these pictures. And really like these girls. Please love both pics and girls with me!

One thing that made me super happy about these girls was that they liked my singing/guitar playing. They actually asked me to do it. I was always hesitant to do it, because, though I like to do it, I tend to worry/over-think a lot more than necessary, and I don't like to appear to show off. But, they asked. So I did it. :)

As self-conscious as I felt, I'm really glad they asked me to do it. I've made a goal to try to step out of my comfort zone more (you see those stars hanging? I helped put them up there. I'm terrified of heights. Score one for stepping out of my comfort zone!) and doing that definitely was putting me out there. But, I loved doing it. They made me feel ok with doing it, and I love to play and sing. It's always a good thing to share/use your talents for other people, anyway.

Girls Camp. it was great. I learned some things that I needed to learn. Relearned - or maybe took to heart - some other things I needed to. I grew close to people, and closer to others. Man, I just love what it does for me! There's always at least one person that I get to know better, and grow to love immensely! Not wanting any of junior staff to feel bad, but I think this year it was Marina Mason. She's just super awesome. I still love all of junior staff lots (they're all super awesome too, I promise!), but me and Marina had beds right by each other and talked lots at night. And I didn't know her that well before, so in getting to know her better, my love for her grew. Which kinda stinks because most of the other girls I've had years of knowing, so moving away isn't so bad. Oh well.

Girls Camp. Love it. It helps open my heart and mind - they become one! It helps me grow as a person. It brings me closer to my Savior and my Heavenly Father. I it! And I'm gonna miss it! But, that's ok. It's ok to miss things, I guess. It means you've been able to learn things from them.

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